When thinking about landmarks in Sturgis, the Massa-Berry Clinic has to come to mind. Yet, it almost never came to pass. For a year after the hospital was built, it would remain closed as a dispute threatened to end it before it ever really started. That dispute revolved around Dr.Read More →

If you ask what year Poker Alice was born, you’d get a variety of articles that debated whether or not it was in 1851, or possibly a little later in 1853. Both answers would be incorrect though. Because as it turns out, Poker Alice was a liar. But instead ofRead More →

Hearing a great amount of gunfire coming from the Pilgrim’s village, Ousamequin (Massasoit), the Pokanoket Wampanoag leader, and 90 of his warriors rushed to their aide. Instead of a battle though, the Wampanoag came upon a festival, as the Pilgrims were celebrating the harvest of their first crops. What wouldRead More →

Samuel Carpenter may not be a man widely known, but for Marines, his establishment, the Tun Tavern, is legendary. With beer flowing, and promises of adventure, in Carpenter’s tavern the first five companies of Marine Corps would be formed. For 248 years, their fight and sacrifice continue to live. CreatedRead More →

On November 6th, I plan on going before the City of Sturgis and making an appeal that the City begins caring about our local history. Sturgis has a lot of great history, but the issue is that there hasn’t been a great push to preserve this history. When we lookRead More →

When I first started doing research into local history here in Sturgis, I gravitated to Poker Alice. There were a few reasons for that. One, I’ve always enjoyed doing research on women of the wild west. Their stories are often incredible, yet they don’t get the coverage that others do.Read More →