With Meade County finally being organized in March of 1889, the fight for the county seat was now on. Throughout the journey of becoming a county, many who looked at the situation assumed it would be Sturgis who would take the title. Others had different plans though. A few contendersRead More →

In 1889, Meade separated from Lawrence County. One could argue it was more of a formality, as the citizens of Sturgis, and the larger area, had already separated themselves from the rest of Lawrence County. In many ways, Meade had begun as a rogue county; a county set on changingRead More →

On August 17, 1880, companies A, D, H and K of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, compromised of black soldiers who would be remembered as buffalo soldiers, marched into Fort Meade. It was a welcomed relocation, as the fort was well planned, and the buildings were relatively new, with the post havingRead More →