If you ask what year Poker Alice was born, you’d get a variety of articles that debated whether or not it was in 1851, or possibly a little later in 1853. Both answers would be incorrect though. Because as it turns out, Poker Alice was a liar. But instead ofRead More →

Sometimes, there just isn’t a lot of information when it comes to history. Like, who is Pompadour Mike? Pompadour Mike’s real name was Leo Burton, but also was commonly known as Little Mike. Almost nothing is known about their life though, even though while she was in the area, sheRead More →

In 1872, John “Grasshopper Jim” Frederick left Bismarck, Dakota Territory, and traveled down to the Black Hills. At least according to Frederick. As with many early characters of the Black Hills, it may be that Frederick exaggerated a bit when it came to his life. Well, more like outright lied.Read More →