Dustin WhiteEditor Before James Abbott McNeil Whistler painted Arrangements in Grey and Black No. 1, more commonly known as Whistler’s Mother, his family found fame through their military exploits. Regarded as a famous family of soldiers, one Whistler would take that reputation to Dakota Territory, and help lay the foundationRead More →

Dustin WhiteEditor While Ernie LaPointe isn’t a towering man, he is imposing nonetheless. He speaks with an expertise that can’t be faked, and a passion few can muster. As the great-grandson of Tatanka Iyotake, Sitting Bull, and having immersed himself not only in the oral stories that were passed downRead More →

Dustin WhiteEditor George Armstrong Custer is often depicted as a doting husband. Elizabeth “LIbbie” Custer was the love of his life, and their marriage seemed as if it was a fairy tale, Custer the big strong hero, Libbie the princess by his side. As often is the case, the storyRead More →