Throughout history, boundaries can change quite frequently. This can cause some interesting challenges when dealing with genealogies. And then because its history, things can get even more complicated due to various migrations of people, the various cultural enclaves in different areas, as well as restrictions placed on different peoples. InRead More →

Reworking History Often people imagine history as being written in stone. That history simply is, and that it doesn’t change. In part they are right, history doesn’t change, but our understanding of history does. This change in our understanding can occur in a variety of different ways. Often it isRead More →

When I first got into the Poker Alice story, I figured it was an easy way to deep my toes into local history. I’ve researched and written a lot about other women of the old west, and expected some difficulties, but not what I found with Alice. Part of theRead More →

The idea began in Tilford. The city had just lost its bid for the county seat, but they were determined to still cement their importance in the newly formed Meade County. In June of 1889, just a month after officially losing their fight for the county seat, Freeman Knowles wouldRead More →