All left today of Runkle are a few apple trees. Dustin White photo

Do you love Old West History? We do too. Which is why we’ve launched this project. Focusing on the Sturgis, and the Black Hills, we want to create a place that allows others to get a full glimpse of what it was like on the western frontier. As we expand, we will be adding both virtual and in person tours, as well as short documentaries, to help bring this history to life.

If you want to be part of this process, we have a number of ways that you can help support this project. From one time donations, to becoming a Patreon, community support is going to help this project not only blossom, but flourish.

So if you want to not only experience history, but also bring it to life, consider giving a bit of support to this project.

Become a Patreon member at:

Or for one time donations:

Or go to


We have sponsorship opportunities available as well. By becoming a sponsor, you not only help this project grow and flourish, but it’s an opportunity to help the community grow and become more engaged, which helps all of us. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, check out our sponsorship kit below.